English translation for "keep away from fire"
- 切勿近火
Related Translations:
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | A cat with a straw tail keeps away from fire 参考译文猫尾如稻草,不往火边靠。 | | 2. | Keep away from fire 切勿近火 | | 3. | Keep away from fire 切勿近火 | | 4. | Hr 8309 packed in 220kg steel drums shell life are 6 months under20 , keep away from fire , high temperature , and sunlight . high temperature can make the shell life short , Hr 229树脂包装为每桶净重220kg的金属桶,在20以下储存期为六个月,同时不宜靠近明火高温及阳光直射等,温度升高会相应缩短储存期, | | 5. | Hr 8310 packed in 220kg steel drums shell life are 6 months under20 . keep away from fire , high temperature , and sunlight . high temperature can make the shell life short Hr 8260树脂包装为每桶净重220kg的金属桶,在20以下储存期为六个月,同时不宜靠近明火高温及阳光直射等,温度升高会相应缩短储存期。 | | 6. | Hr 8520 packed in 220kg steel drums shell life are 6 months under20 , keep away from fire , high temperature , and sunlight . high temperature can make the shell life short copyright 2005 - 2006 changzhou huarun composit materials co . , ltd Hr 8520树脂包装为每桶净重220kg的金属桶,在20以下储存期为六个月,同时不宜靠近明火高温及阳光直射等,温度升高会相应缩短储存期。 | | 7. | Package , storage and carriage hr 8209 packed in 220kg steel drums shell life are 6 months under20 , keep away from fire , high temperture , and sunlight . high temperature can make the shell life short copyright 2005 - 2006 changzhou huarun composit materials co . , ltd Hr 8209树脂包装为每桶净重220kg的金属桶,在20以下储存期为六个月,同时不宜靠近明火高温及阳光直射等,温度升高会相应缩短储存期。 |
- Similar Words:
- "keep at bay" English translation, "keep at retard" English translation, "keep away" English translation, "keep away form cold" English translation, "keep away from cold" English translation, "keep away from heat" English translation, "keep back" English translation, "keep bad hours" English translation, "keep bad time" English translation, "keep blood circulation free" English translation